India Begins Construction of the Tallest Statue in the World. The Statue of Unity Project was announced by the government as a monument to Sardar Vallabhai Patel, who was the first Home Minister of Independent India. The total height of the statue from its base will be 240 meters, consisting of a base level of 58 meters and a statue of 182 meters. It will be constructed with steel framing, reinforced cement concrete, and bronze coating. The Statue of Unity will be 182 Meters In height, i.e., 597 feet, and including base, it will be 280 meters, which is 790 feet in total.
The construction already began on Oct 31, 2013 in Gujarat (India). The entire project would cost around ₹2063 crore, approximately. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the statue on October 31, 2013, the 138th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel. The Gujarat government allotted ₹100 crore for construction of the statue of unity in the 2012-13 budget. The present Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, has asked Indian citizens to donate scrap metals and tools that would help with the construction of the statue of unity.
“We have asked farmers from every village in India to give old pieces of their agricultural tools; just 200 grams or 400 grams would do,” said Narendra Modi.
It will take 56 months for the completion of the project.It is to be noted that after completion, it will be twice the height of the Statue of Liberty (93 m), United States of America which is famous Worldwide.There are other tallest statues higher than the Statue of Liberty ,at present Spring Temple Buddha, which is located in China, is the tallest statue in the world, which is 153 meters high. Soon it will be second tallest statue after the completion of Statue of Unity, India
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